ive been obsessed over eyeshadows ever since it was used as a base for art. its not just for girls who wanna look good its also for art. that is when my obsession started. ever since it became an art thing i loved looking at people who has a beautiful set of colours on their eyes it just makes me feel "wow people are really good at this". doesnt mean i obsess over it, i practice it yea i am too broke for a 36 colour pallete of eyeshadow.
This assignment helped me realise what i like and what i really obsessed over. we were required to do an A2 size board of why we are obsessed over certain things. obviously i chose eyeshadows. researching about eyeshadows what they are made out of and when it strted made me realised that this wolrd we are living in right now i pretty awesome cs people are smart enough to portray the colours used before which is just black and dark colours to pretty colours like the rainbow. you will seldom see eyeshadow palettes with just one tone of colour there will be various
Assignment 2 was a bit tricky. To create a story well it might look easy but the details is very important.i was very confused at first of what to do wheter i should derive my design from my storyline or just create something conceptual.
First we had to create a storyboard. 12 boxes of graphic storyboards. Looks easy but hm. I struggled to produce a bomb ass storyboard. Mine was rejected quite a few times and i changed alot of times cs the storybord i produced didnt satisfy me nor my lecturer
To create a storyboard u need to have basic idea of what u want to talk about. its either just straight up a story or a story with awareness.
First crit went fine, but my conceptual design was rejected by mr imran as it wasnt interesting at all. Tbh i felt the same i was reluctant to meet him on the last crit but i had to know what he thought about my design. As i expected he hated it HAHAHA, so that night i really sat down and find inspiration and i manged the come out with something that truly represents my storyboard
Which is about dark avasion, a world where people w dissociative identity disorder really just kills human for their hearts to feel alive and accepted
On the submission day when i saw other people's model vs mine i really did .. feel insecure because mine wasn't that outstanding to me but most importantly i worked my butt off to produce a decent idea
Ms aida announced a few people who had an interesting design concept but ive never imagined it was me. But she said it, she said my name i.was so speechless but at the same time happy that my design was good enough to be with one of the best people in class hehe thank you mr imran for believing in me and saying that o could pull it off if i really find and think about my design
Assignment 3 was a wreck. A legit ship wreck of emotions and life. Ive never experienced this my whole life of being a student. Ive never broke down as bad as i did for this assignment. Oh wow, thinking back about what happened this few days i was at a really bad position and bad state. It was a rat race with time and skills.
Tbh my computer skills is not that good, im more of a manual person. But tes it took time for me to produce a decent floor plan of programming and operations and boy oh boy did i struggle for that.
Crit by crit went passed and i did very bad for the last crit. I broke down because i didnt know what to do and i didnt know how to do it. It broke me as a person and i was depressed fir a few weeks and i could think of anything
I was worried sick that i might have to retake the course yes and having to soend a few more grand for it worries me so much that everything was just so blant and empty when i look at my design.
I produced a model on the model submission day and derived alot of my assignment 2 design to my assignment 3
I already have a physical model but i dont have the sketchup model building what i built physically to manual was so depressing as it doesnt look like what i want
On the submission day(board submission) , i didnt have time to finish everything and i cried.I hid from my lecturer but she eventually found us, and say she would let us pin up the next day
Im really grateful for my lecturers mr imran and ms aida that day i have taught me alot during this sem.It was a painful experience although i have given emple time to finish it i still couldnt. And i dissapointed myself and also my lecturers. Giving them an empty board and pinning it up was a disaster and i was so embarresed that day. But i tried looking at a brighter side that i actually pinned up and give whatever it takes to get to school and be there for the presentation
All in all, i wouldnt want to do the same thing in sem 4 as i have learnt my lesson that time is impirtant and deisgn should be simple but interesting
I would like to thank my lecturer ms aida and mr imran who helped me grow as a person during this sem and im so sorry if i have dissapointed you in anway possible
I would also love to thank my friends who were with me from my highest all the way to my lowestA special thank you for my best friends jie ting , yu jing , joe, eunice and debbie
Without them i wouldnt have surrvived my degree life and i would be lost in regrets at the end of the day.